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Letting The Darkness In

By Becca

This year, more than ever before, I have felt the pull of the Winter Solstice.

Every part of my being has been wanting to keep the embers burning low and slow and to enjoy the steady and gentle-ness that this time of year wants us to feel, as opposed to the constant outpouring of energy that December is so often surrounded by.  I have enjoyed this juxtaposition in ways - being able to see both ends of the scale from a zoomed out perspective.

Pyjamas, fires, cosy films and quiet walks have worked for me, (in between the busy every day life stuff, of course) and I have found as a byproduct of this desire to be still and quiet, written words have not come easily to me, words in general have been a struggle!

A couple of weeks ago I found myself with a window of time in the early morning - I spent it sat by the fire with my drum. It sounds quite poetic but really it’s where I am finding myself a lot at the moment - being grateful for the heat! However on this particular morning of blue skies and murmurations, I vividly remember thinking ‘this, right here, in this moment, is a bloody lovely thing to be doing’ haha. Whilst playing the drum and looking into the dancing flames, a Solstice-inspired song poured from my mind, through the drum and into the air.

Over the last few days I have been pondering on what to ‘write’ for this celebration’s newsletter - something that usually brews weeks in advance. It landed in me this morning that the song wants to be shared and therefore is my offering for this turning of the wheel.

I hope you are able to seek the quiet and gentleness that speaks its way so easily into this time of year, should we choose to listen.

Happy Solstice all ♥️

Let The Darkness In

Oh your spirit flies, oh their flies

Flies in the clouds, high in the skies

Let your spirit fly

Oh the birds fly low, oh the birds fly low,

The wings in your heart, want to go slow

Let the birds fly low

The land wants to be seen, the land needs to be seen,

Let the leaves fall from the trees,

Let the land be seen

Oh your heart needs rest, yes your needs rest,

Like the baby wings inside the nest

Let your heart rest

Silence can be found, for quiet is all around

Let the silence be the only sound

Let the silence be found

Oh the fire burns, oh your fire it burns

Day by day til the light returns

Let the fire burn

Let the darkness in, let the darkness

For its a beautiful place to begin

Let the darkness in




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