Our Theme page is a dedicated space for us to share inspiration related to each dance series.
Themes span over a 5 week period and change each half term (see Calendar for 2024 themes).
During Nov and Dec we will be dancing into the theme of Memories.
''Memories' will be our theme for the closing of the year - apt as we drop into the quietest and darkest period of nature around us.
Enjoy the softer side of dance and movement as we travel inwards to really capture its sweet restorative gifts...

Artwork by 'Seeds of Spell' See her work here.
Where do memories actually exist? Are they in the phantom place called the mind? Or are they perhaps encoded into every living cell on this planet and beyond? Places have memories as well as humans. Animals and plants learn from memories and their intelligence is programmed because of them. What do memories gift us and why do we even experience them? Maybe this is a question that's too far for the mind to comprehend but perhaps the dance can show us a way?

This theme's offering is Maya Angelou's beautiful poem "When Great Trees Fall' shared by one of our dancers. We feel the words of this piece are a perfect accompaniment for this years Samhain celebration paired with our final dance series of the year, Memories.

This season's musings, provided by Pippa, honours the thinning veil with story - the most perfect piece to walk with us through the darkest days and nights of the year. 'The Swan' - available in written and audio format. Indulge here.
To inspire the cauldron of the muse of our Sept/Oct theme, Identity, we invite you into a little gift...
Whether or not you joined us for our Identity dances we hope you enjoy this offering to inspire a look inwards perhaps at what you might unknowingly be clutching onto as your identity…